
[06/2024] Aditya attended the BioAcoustic Summer School (SeaBASS) in the University of New Hampshire and met some inspiring lecturers and students! Wu-Jung also gave a lecture on Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics!

[05/2024] Wu-Jung and Aditya presented two talks in the Ottawa ASA Meeting on our HakeML and UBNA passive acoustic monitoring projects.

[05/2024] Wu-Jung gave a lecture on active acoustic ocean sensing at ASA School in Ottawa as an instructor and met some wonderful students!

[04/2024] Wu-Jung and Valentina presented two talks at the WGFAST 2024 meeting in France on pipelines and software tools for echosounder data processing on both ship and cloud.

[04/2024] Wu-Jung presented on Echosounder Data Processing Levels (with contributions from Emilio, Brandyn, and Valentina) at the Global Acoustics INteroperable (GAIN) workshop associated with the WGFAST 2024 meeting.

[03/2024] Wu-Jung and Valentina hosted 2 Capstone teams in the Master of Science in Data Science program for sonar data processing and automatic bat call detection.

[12/2023] We welcome Dr. Brandyn Lucca to join Echospace as a SEED postdoctoral fellow!

[12/2023] Soham gave a talk at 2023 PyData Global – check out his abstract and the video recording!

[10/2023] Valentina and Wu-Jung gave a talk and a poster presentation in the 2023 North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) meeting in Seattle.

[09/2023] YeonJoon was selected as a UW Data Science Postdoctoral Fellow.

[09/2023] Wu-Jung joined the NOAA NCEI Water Column Sonar Data Archive stakeholder workshop and engaged in Echopype Q&As.

[08/2023] Wu-Jung, Emilio, and Valentina hosted OceanHackWeek 2023 at UW with an international organizer team!

[05/2023] Caesar Tuguinay joined the Echospace group as a Research Assistant. Welcome!

[05/2023] We welcome Dingrui Lei and Soham Butala to join Echospace as summer interns!

[06/2023] Valentina and Wu-Jung went to sea with the Hake survey on the NOAA FSV Bell M. Shimada!

[05/2023] YeonJoon and Wu-Jung gave two talks on target discrimination behavior by a harbor porpoise and numerical modeling of sound transduction in dolphin head in the Chicago ASA meeting.

[05/2023] Aditya presented his ongoing research on the effects of subsampling for passive acoustic monitoring of bats at UW’s 26th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

[03/2023] Valentina and Wu-Jung gave two talks on our software and machine learning developments at the 2023 ICES Fisheries and Plankton Acoustics Symposium in Portland, Maine, and together with Emilio engaged with the international fisheries acoustic community in data format discussions.

[02/2023] Wu-Jung was invited to serve on the committee for Ocean Acoustics Education and Expertise of the National Academies, comissioned by ONR.

[12/2022] Aditya has been awarded the Mary Gates Research Scholarship for his research on passive acoustic monitoring of bats in the Union Bay Natural Area!

[08/2022] Many of us in Echospace and alumnus Derya are hosting the OceanHackWeek 2022 Northwest satellite this week!

[07/2022] We welcome Dr. YeonJoon Cheong to join Echospace as a postdoc scholar!

[05/2022] We have released a new, major version of echopype, 0.6.0. There are significant breaking changes, but also significant improvements in convention adherence, consistency across sensors, and dataset documentation.

[05/2022] Wu-Jung will be giving the keynote lecture on “Understanding Echoes” in the ASA Denver meeting.

[05/2022] Aditya gave a talk on using machine learning to monitor bats in UW’s 25th Annual Undergraduate Research Symposium.

[04/2022] Wu-Jung and Emilio gave two talks on echopype updates and roadmap in the 2022 WGFAST meeting and the 2022 NOAA NCEI Water Column Sonar Data Archive workshop.

[04/2022] Valentina gave a talk on analyzing OOI echosounder data using matrix decomposition in the 2022 WGFAST meeting.

[11/2021] Valentina gave a tutorial at the Seattle ASA meeting on Software Best Practices

[11/2021] New paper “Beluga whale (Delphinapterus leucas) acoustic foraging behavior and applications for long term monitoring” was published in PLOS One!

[10/2021] New preprint “Echopype: A Python library for interoperable and scalable processing of water column sonar data for biological information” was posted on arXiv!

[10/2021] Emilio and Wu-Jung gave the IOOS DMAC webinar on “Scalable, interoperable processing of water column sonar data for biological applications using the echopype Python package”.

[10/2021] Wu-Jung gave the UW Data Science Seminar on “Building a toolbox for studying marine ecology using large ocean sonar datasets”.

[09/2021] Wu-Jung and Linda successfully completed this summer’s fieldwork evaluating the use of an ADCP-equipped glider as a biological monitoring tool. Check out NOAA Exploration’s coverage of this mission!